This website started my coding journey

I attended Flatiron School for Software Engineering and below are my coding projects:

brooksong redesign

E-commerce site: Github

Created a comprehensive ground-up redesign of my brooksong design e-commerce website where I sell handmade Italian leather bags and accessories.

  • Engineered and integrated all components using JavaScript, React, Python, Flask, Material UI, and Stripe.

Presenting the site:

Wireframe made in Figma:

Pet Snuggles

React Demo app: Github

Ideated the concept of scheduling dog and cat snuggle time as a response to the growing loneliness of working from home.

  • Created all components, and designed and implemented the front end.

  • Worked as a collaborator with my partner on all commits.

  • Designed and created wireframe in Figma, and sourced data from

Wireframe made in Figma:

3 Little Pigs

Command-line game: Github

Choose your own adventure story of the 3 little pigs as a command line game using Python, SQLAlchemy, and Alembic. 

  • Designed a structured story flow with functions in and implemented a decision tree for various storylines.

  • Maintained character, scene, story, and storyline data structures.

  • Ensured persistence of choices in the database after creating and seeding.

  • Planned and documented potential future enhancements, leveraging storybooks and online resources for authenticity and appeal.

Gif of game:

Parks Passport

React Demo app: Github

For tracking all the National Parks you’ve visited and your reviews using React and Semantic React UI.

  • Designed an intuitive interface for recording park visits, enhancing the travel experience.

  • Implemented a park search with additional information displayed.

  • Enabled users to leave reviews with data persistence.

  • Created a wireframe in Figma, and sourced images from National Geographic to alter the database.

Gif of app:

Wireframe made in Figma:

Parks Project Wireframe made in Figma

My Sous Chef

JavaScript demo app: Github

For a hungry cook who can’t decide what to make for dinner using JavaScript and CSS.

  • Utilized fetch requests, DOM elements, event listeners, event handlers, and initializers.

  • Implemented a random recipe feature to alleviate decision fatigue. 

  • Added a button for alternative recipe suggestions.

  • Designed wireframe and incorporated a book animation to engage user experience.

Gif of app:

Paper and Pencil Wireframe:

My Sous Chef hand drawn wireframe
